Bali to Host Tournament of Pokémon Collectible Card Game

MANGUPURA, Bali (BPN) – Bali will host a major Pokémon card tournament to be held by AKG Entertainment together with The Pokémon Company.

AKG Entertainment, as the main license holder and official distributor of the Pokémon Collectible Card Game, will hold the tournament entitled “Regional League 2023-24 Indonesia Vol. 3” on Saturday (April 20, 2024), at the Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel Ballroom, Bali.

According to Sabar Derico, Head of Pokémon at AKG Entertainment, his party is committed to supporting the development of the Pokémon Collectible Card Game player communities in Indonesia.

“Therefore, in the Pokémon Regional League 2023-24 Indonesia Vol. 3, we will also hold side events for the audience who come to the event venue. This activity is made easy for the public to understand in the hope that more and more people will be interested and start playing Pokémon cards, maybe even become professional players in the future,” explained Sabar Derico.

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Several side events where visitors can take part include the Tournament Live Viewing Area, Pokémon TCG Tutorial, Beginner Challenge, Stamp Rally, and Pokémon Pop Up Store.

The Regional League itself is one of a series of prestigious tournaments for Indonesian players to take part in.

The tournament system for all categories uses the Swiss Draw – Best of One (BO1) mechanism in the preliminary round and Single Elimination – Best of 1 in the final round.

Players’ participation in the Regional League will be able to add championship points to advance to the 2024 Pokémon World Championships, August 16-18 in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

Rico explained that in total, the tournament consists of three categories, two of which are new categories that will be competed in this year’s Regional League, namely: Junior League and Senior League.

The Junior League category is intended for players at least born on 1st September 2012, the Senior League for players born on 1st September 2006 to 31 August 2012, and the Master League for players born on or before 31st August 2006.

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“These three categories open up opportunities for younger players to participate and have the opportunity to take part in similar categories in the upcoming world championships,” explained Rico.

In addition to chasing championship points, the Regional League is also filled with prizes for the winners.

The champion in each category is entitled to top-rank prizes in the form of a Victory Card, Trophy, Play Mat, Card Cover with a special design for the 2023-24 Pokémon Regional League, 8 boxes of Pokémon card booster packs, as well as a place to compete in the National Championship.

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