Indonesia: The Land of Art at The Apurva Kempinski Bali

NUSA DUA, Bali (BPN) – Four well-known painting artists take part in the exhibition titled ‘Indonesia: The Land of Art’ at The Apurva Kempinski Bali on Thursday (Oct. 12). The exhibition, which already started in August, presents Kun Adnyana, Sutjipto Adi, Lugas Syllabus, and Made Arya Palguna, where their artworks are shown at the lobby of The Apurva Kempinski Bali until November 3, 2023.

“The exhibition is the series of Powerful Indonesia Festival that has already been started since August. We are working with powerful people who have led Indonesia in terms of partnerships, music, or even arts,” said Melody Siagian, Director of Marketing of The Apurva Kempinski Bali.

One of the exhibition’s intriguing pieces is by Kun Adnyana, who responds to artificial intelligence technology by combining his artwork with digital technology.

According to Kun Adnyana, the younger generation has to use technology to create, publish, and promote works of art in the field of digital art, particularly applied design.

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“This is a must, not an option,” he said.

He explained that young people are becoming more interested in pursuing careers in the arts. There is tremendous potential and a constant 30 percent increase in the number.

“In the past, the choice to be an artist was an anomaly, the last choice. But now, the younger generation has an orientation to be an artist or designer,” said Kun, who is also the Rector of Denpasar Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI).

According to Kun Adnyana, he has seven paintings on display at the exhibition, including his signature technique of combining acrylic colors with ink painting.

Abdes Prestaka, Art director of Kita Art Friends explained that the exhibition aims to introduce Indonesian art or artists.

“We want to present artists from various genres and cultural labels. Because they exhibit works that are not only traditional but also contemporary, which visitors, particularly those from overseas, might not often see,” he said.

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