NUSA DUA, Bali (BPN) – The Apurva Kempinski Bali launches the Majapahit Imperial Dinner, which serves authentic Indonesian culinary delights, especially culinary delights from the Majapahit kingdom era. The program was introduced on Saturday, October 28, 2023, and visitors will be able to order and enjoy it until next year.
General Manager of The Apurva Kempinski Bali Vincent Guironnet, said that this event is an opportunity to promote Indonesia’s diversity, especially the culinary and traditional ingredients.
“This program also aims to encourage knowledge about traditional Indonesian ingredients which are now starting to be forgotten, especially among the younger generation,” said Vincent.
Head Chef Iswati Endah said that the Majapahit Imperial Dinner is indeed a challenge, especially in presenting delights as authentic as possible to the original.
“In terms of tastes, since Majapahit is located in Java, the food is a little sweet, sour, and spicy. I’m sure everyone, both foreign and local, can enjoy these foods because of the deliciousness,” she said.
Some of the menus served include five set menus of Urap Hayuyu (crab and vegetable), Rawon Lembu (beef soup), Bolok Iwak (gourami fish), Manuk Urang Manggar (chicken and prawn), and Jadah Tape (fermented rice, cakes).
Melody Siagian, Director of Marketing of The Apurva Kempinski Bali, explained that the event also introduces ingredients that are rarely used current day in the archipelago.
“Guests will also be invited for a culinary journey from Sabang (Aceh) to Merauke (Papua) because ingredients used in this event are from all over the archipelago. In addition, guests will also get to know the story of each dish,” she said.
Melody added that the Majapahit Imperial Diner event also collaborated with Javara, Designmill Co, and Kita Poleng, which will perform a dance themed on the figure of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi, the queen and third ruler of the Majapahit Kingdom.
“We are trying to elevate the figure of a Majapahit King, especially the third king. We depict women as the figure where everything begins, especially mothers,” said Dibal Ranuh, Creative Director of Kita Poleng.