Investment illustration -

Investment illustration -

DENPASAR, Bali (BPN) – Bali House of Representatives (DPRD) approved the Provincial Regulation No. 1 of 2016 on Provision of Incentives and /or Easiness to the Community and /or Investors, on Thursday 14, 2018. This regulation is hoped to attract investors both domestic and abroad.

Head of Public Relations and Protocol Bureau of Bali Provincial Secretary Dewa Gede Mahendra Putra in his Press Release said, this regulation is very strategic in attracting investors to Bali because it guarantees business certainty and legal certainty for investors in Bali, both fiscal and non-fiscal.

“There are several conditions that must be fulfilled by investors, such as can absorb local workers minimum of 75 percent, willing to invest in areas where economic growth is still low, willing to cooperate with UMKMK (micro, small, medium businesses). For example, hotel can make uniforms in cooperation with SMEs or if they need fertilizer for the garden, they can deal with SIMANTRI (Bali’s integrated farming system), ” Dewa Mahendra said.

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To that end, he ensured the implementation of this law should be implemented along with the Bali Governor’s Regulation (Pergub) No. 74 of 2017, on the Implementation of Provincial Regulation Bali No. 1 of 2016 on Incentives and / or Easiness Provision to the Community and / or Investor.

The issuance of this Pergub is also followed by the establishment of Task Force Team. The team is to serve complaint and information center, and to solve the obstacles in processing permit.

On the other hand, the Head of Bali Investment and Integrated One Stop Service Department IB Made Parwata said that this regulation has been socialized to the public and investors.

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