Lidah Lokal Restaurant Presents Rasa Nusantara - Javanese Cuisine

SANUR, Bali (BPN/ADV)- Lidah Lokal is a restaurant that serves Indonesian dishes located on the lobby floor of ARTOTEL Sanur Hotel – Bali presents the Food and Beverages promo Rasa Nusantara “Javanese Cuisine”.

Rasa Nusantara “Javanese Cuisine” is a promo of traditional Javanese food and beverages made with a minimalist, luxurious, and attractive appearance.

The food menu that we provide for the whole month of May until June 2024 are:

  • Rawon Iga: Braised beef ribs in keluak beef soup, salted egg, jasmine rice bean sprout & samba
  • Udang Bakar Sambal Rujak: Grilled prawn in bumbu bakaran rujak, kemangi pesto, jasmine rice

–   Opor Ayam: Authentic dish from Java, whole baby chicken coconut milk and simmered aromatic Herb and spice like galangal, garlic, shallot, kaffir leaves candle nut and served with rice cake

  • Urip Urip Rembang: Urip urip is a signature dish from Rembang, West Java Grilled fillet red snapper, aromatic ginger, coconut milk served with fish tapioca crackers, and jasmine rice.
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These sweet, salty, spicy, and savory dishes are created to tickle your tongue at an affordable price starting from IDR 80k ++.

Lidah Lokal Restaurant Presents Rasa Nusantara - Javanese Cuisine

The drink menus with only IDR 45k are:

  • Aromatic Ginger Rice: Vanilla ice cream, beras kencur syrup, fresh milk, palm sugar, nutmeg
  • Sour Kunir: Sweet mango fresh, turmeric sour syrup, sea salt, lemon juice
  • Wedang Jahe Float: Reduced of ginger, lemongrass, palm sugar top with vanilla ice cream.

“We feel the need to continue to create menu promos with appetizing flavors and affordable prices so that they can appeal to our guests and guests from outside the hotel,” said Agus Ade Surya Wirawan, General Manager of ARTOTEL Sanur – Bali.

For more information and reservations, please call +62 821 4647 5820 or email

Lidah Lokal Restaurant Presents Rasa Nusantara
- Javanese Cuisine

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